We have managed to display multiple components on one page (model-view) and do a multiple database queries in one component. These view of components are however still global (showing all the projects). Until last Friday, we were still struggling to manage the categorization of the services (which service belongs to which project). We have made two .xml files as the map (one for Sonar, the other for Jira), we query these xml's and compare them with the database query to categorize the output. All this commands are done within the CFC files (ColdFusion). If there are any changes to make in the future, we hope that these xml files would be the only ones to be configured (maybe later on, if we still have time, we'd also like to make some sort of a GUI, so the administrator wouldn't have to go directly to the xml files him/herself). We are pretty sure that we were so close on Friday. We were getting these strange SQL errors (actually im not sure its SQL or CF) saying: "Encountered .. " (dot dot) "Incorrect Select List, Incorrect select column". We still have NO IDEA why we are getting this error, but once we get this sorted out, we can then proceed making multiple views (per project) and manage the cycle timer.
As for today, we are going to start by completing our documentation (architecture, use cases, etc.), and later continue to find the solution to our "weird" error and start immediately with the 3rd Sprint!
Btw, I got myself a new bike on Saturday, so no more missing trains by seconds ;). Oh and I spent "movie marathoning" on Sunday, so here's some recommended movies: "There Will Be Blood", "Michael Clayton", "The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford" and "In the Valley of Elah". hehehehehe...
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