We have discussed this to Michel, and we agreed that we will leave the code coverage as it is now (showing all the projects) without categorizing per project. There has been a desire to migrate the database to another driver, but Michel just has not got the time to do that yet. If Sonar database gets migrated, not only that it will solve our categorization problem, but we also desperately hope that it will improve the performance of loading the data to display. Here's a little picture of us discussing over some very complicated matter ("seems like") with Michel, taken by our sneaky Scrum master, Eric, who is by the way, back after being a paint guy for 2 weeks ;P

Anyway today, Lisa and I divided parts of work to do. She was looking into implementing the timer for the page cycle, meanwhile I was working on transfering both the categorization and the sql query into XML, load them up on CFC to be executed, and pass the data to the view (Flex's mxml files). Fortunately it all worked out pretty well, the CFC class for JIRA (bugs and tasks) is now loading the query and the services categorization from an XML file. I reckon this would be quite handy when thinking of scalability, because when new projects or services are coming, developers can easily edit the XML file without having to touch the code on the CFC (atleast that's how I imagined it would be ;P). I am not so sure how far Lisa went today, but yesterday she had managed to get the timer working for a component. Till early today, she was working out a way to make the timer works for one page (cycle all the components together).
Apart from implementation, today we also had our architecture document approved by Michel. And yesterday we had a discussion with Angelo regarding sequence diagram and use cases, and he thinks making one use case is enough. We already have one sequence diagram, which he also approved, so as far as project documentation concerns, use case is the only thing we need to work out.
Today we also discussed that we have a number of other things to do such as: Final report draft (for school) and presentation preparation for the next team meeting on Friday next week (scary..!). I myself am quite busy off the office as well (master application package, moving planning, summer planning, etc). Hence, the title: so little time, so much to do... go go go
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