As we figured out data connection to both Flex 3 and JBoss portlet, we proceed to visualizing the code coverage data we extracted from Sonar and gave it a try to transform that into graphs/charts. Yesterday I have managed to create a Flex application with horizontally parted grid. On the top a splitted grid with a pie chart on the left and a data grid column on the right. And at the bottom is a bar chart. All of them showing the code coverage data obtained from Sonar using data connection made possible by RDS. Creating the graphs and charts is quite a simple task in Flex. The only problem for me is that I have no experience programming mxml, and there are so many library classes I can use, but dont know what their properties are and how to use them. Anyways, soon as all three images with the data are shown, I went on looking for some tutorial on creating events so that I can communicate between the three and create some kind of highlight and click events that affect all of them once one part of them is clicked.Fortunately I found an example that shows a very similar idea, so I picked that up and put the events and their effects to be applied in my application. I had some struggles, but eventually I made them all working properly. Only there was a problem with the effect from the bar chart which was not highlighting the bars correspondingly to the others, but I immediately found the cause of this, which was the calculation of the action was pointing to a wrong order of array (my array starts from 0, and the calculation was pointing to 1), so that was solved pretty quickly. Another desire that I wasn't able to work out was to smoothen the animation of the pie chart when it is being clicked. I thought it was because I didn't have the correct library for the effect, or because I am using the trial version of Flex 3 builder. But today I discovered that it was just a misplace of property use in one of the pie chart series I had. I investigated some more evidence and solution, and solved that one out before going for lunch today. On the other side, Lisa, who had also successfully showed data to a portlet with text, was struggling creating her portlet that is showing the data represented by graphs and charts. She had imported a library for displaying charts and graphs, but every time she's building the project, she gets error messages saying that the library package could not be found. We have not been able to solve this problem until the end of the day :( .
By the way, we had our school mentor visiting us today from fontys: Theo Cats. The meeting went well, we discussed many things............ Anyways the funny thing was, when the meeting had ended, I was asking some people to get them anything to drink, and it turned out that Marco, was an ex-student of Fontys and he actually recognized Theo Cats! (Wow! Theo must have been working in fontys for EVER ;P). At the end of the day, as I was chatting with Yuri Vrancken and Jan Kees van Andel who were curious of how the project is going, I ended up showing them the application that I've developed till now. And relievingly they commented: "Oh...thats pretty coool!".
(the picture below was taken by Eric, who was sneaking behind us to capture spontaneous reactions of Yuri and Jan Kees)
It is nice to know that the other people are actually interested in our project and are expecting good stuff out of it. Before we went back to Eindhoven, Jan Kees lended his Flex 2 book to me. I reckon that will be very useful for us as we go on.
So next: end of sprint #1 - TOMORROW! wonder whats gonna happen.......
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