Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Windy days

Flex/ColdFusion+windy days = not a very good combination.. but things are going great though. aint no wind cant take us down! ;)
Yesterday we successfully completed all of our sprint goals. Victory was ours when I fixed the CFC method invocation issue. The problem were the following:
-There should be no white lines within the xml file
-New object of the component Project_Info.cfc (the global CFC file) has to be instantiated first before invoking the method
-When parsing the xml, wrong hierarchy was called to retrieve the component name
-Probably other syntax errors
With that being fixed, the database queries as well as the metadata are all located in a single xml file (sweet! ;) )Lisa has been doing great as well as she had managed the components' cycle. So now the application is using only one xml (also means that services are now categorized per project), and application cycles between overview, and components per project (double sweet! :D)
So next goals:
-retrieve project names to be displayed on to each component
-figure out how to embed smilies into a barchart (for project overview)
-display test coverage (nightly builds)
By the way, my neighborhood is packed at the moment as PSV is playing against Tottenham Hotspur now. Apparently its an important match, and PSV is about to lose as we speak.. looks like there is going to be some vandalizing around here tonight ;P Hope the wind will still be as hard as earlier so they all would go home directly after the match :)

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