Sunday, February 17, 2008

Flex 3 Builder with Charting.....

The last 2 weeks, we have been busy with the two prototypes using Flex 3 and JBoss Portal. We have been able to create a demo using Flex 3 with charting. In the demo, we are able to show the percentage of Code Coverage of the on-going projects in the Java Domein using pie charts, bar charts, and table which are connected to each other. Using Flex 3 Builder with charting, it's not that hard to make the page looks fancy, flashy, and colorful. The graphs and charts are generated by the Flex 3 Builder. Though we need to add some ActionScript by ourselves to interact smoothly with the users. We are very happy that everyone seem impressed with our demo :D

On the other hand, data visualization using portlet in JBoss Portal is not its strong point. We need to install some extra libraries and do some coding in order to generate charts. JBoss Portal is not specifically intended for fancy data visualization. Its strong point is in the diverse information that can be displayed in one page using several portlets and flexibility of user interactivity.

Since, the PRIMA project is focused on querying data and display it with an eye-catching GUI, we proposed to use Flex 3 for this project. Our mentor, Eric, is happy with our choice and encouraged us to keep going with the next sprint.

Last Friday, we were succeeded setting up a Web Server using Apache -- Coldfusion for our Flex 3 Demo. The webserver is installed in Lisa's virtual machine. You can check it out here:

We are on the investigation to buy the license for Flex 3 Builder with charting. From the Adobe store website, we only found the the previous version which is the Flex 2 Builder with charting. The Flex 3 demo we had was built using the trial version of Flex 3 Builder with charting which lasts for 90 days. Anyway, there is a watermark text saying "Flex Data Visualization Trial" in the demo that we couldn't get rid of it. We have contacted Adobe for the possibility to remove the watermark and also to buy the full version (license) of Flex 3 Builder with charting.

Anyway... last Friday, I "unconsciously" left my LG-Viewty phone in the bus... and miraculously was found by the bus driver whom later gave Ikram a call to pick it up! I would never wish that this kind of honesty ever happened in Indonesia... hehehe... Holland rocks! ^.^

cheers =)


Thomas Heute said...

If you can get the demo machine to work from the outside world, it would be interesting to see in action :)
Otherwise screenshots/movie (Jing maybe ?) would do ;)

Muhammad Ikram said...
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Muhammad Ikram said...

Here is a screenshot of our first proof of concept that we have developed for the past two weeks. These are simple charts showing data pulled out from a data source.